Two idiots with bad aim shoot bystanders in argument over Kool-Aid

If you do something well it is important to make sure everyone knows and respects your talents. That is probably why two Detroit connoisseurs of K00l-Aid got into a heated battle over who can mix a better drink. The argument ended with both fine gentlemen drawing their guns and firing. Though neither of the individuals defending their Kool-Aid mixing skills were injured, the morons were able to hit two bystanders. To be fair, neither was boasting about his marksmanship.

If you’re worried about this being a signal of how commonplace gun violence has become then fret not. The Detroit police indicated to FOX News Detroit that, “they’ve seen worse.”

For your reference Kool-Aid still has only 3 ingredients:

1) Water

2) Sugar

3) Kool-Aid mix


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