New developments out of Whistler, B.C. today in regards to the Bear Problem.
A 55-year old Coquitlam man was enjoying a lovely soak in a hot tub in Whistler on Sunday when his evening went sour. With his back to the deep dark woods, the man was unaware of the approaching bear until he was struck in head and propelled forward into the warm bubbly broth. According to the CBC,
When he turned around to investigate, he found himself face to face with a healthy male black bear, said Staff Sgt. Steve LeClair.
The man yelled at the bear and retreated to the safety of his home and called police, who located the bear about 100 metres away in the forest and shot it.
This latest attack follows two headline grabbing incidents last week, one of which involved a bear near Kamloops mauling and consuming part of the corpse of convicted murderer Rory Wagner (age 53). Earlier in May, a 65-year-old Winnipeg man narrowly avoided a mauling while taking care of business in a backwoods biffy.
Conservation officers in both Kamloops and Whistler are investigating just what may have caused these latest crimes against humanity on behalf of the Ursidae family. Until such time, it seems advisable that all men over the age of 50 stay out of bear country entirely.
CBCJenny Pansing