UK journalist try to make joke, instead just write racist article

racist Telegraph article screenshot

A good deal has been written already about “Developer Bob,” the IT guy who outsourced his own job to China while he watched cat videos back in the U.S. But few have written anything outrightly racist about it — until now.

Enter Matthew Norman, a columnist for the Telegraph, who decided to write an entire article about Developer Bob in the voice of a stereotypical Chinese person.

Matthew Norman

It’s a real think-piece, which is immediately apparent from the headline and subhead: “You never catch me outsource work to China: US software writer pay China person do job for him. Trusty UK journalist not like that.”

The column starts by referencing “decadent imperialist Western powers” where the story of Developer Bob “caused laughter and big admiration.”

You can easy see why. It is most hilarious that the Verizon employee, codename Developer Bob, sent work to humble counterpart in Shenyang, capital and largest city of Liaoning Province, and spent all hours of working day at desk pursuing leisure.

Norman continues this way, presumably with a point to make about globalization or something, but it doesn’t get less racist. I guess the joke is that he, as a journalist, wants to outsource his work as well but can’t.

Yet extreme peril in outsourcing column to China. Translation software good but not perfect, and smart readers see through deception maybe. Even Editor, if wide awake. Also, if ghost resents you paying so little, he can sabotage fragile career by making big clues it not written by who says wrote it. Maybe […] by parodying lazy, racist assumptions about Chinese people…

Oh wait a minute! This must be that meta thing people are always talking about. But just acknowledging that what you’re doing is racist doesn’t immediately absolve you of your racism.

And what’s the point of this whole bloody column? Apparently Norman thinks Developer Bob should have been smarter about his outsourcing and he would have gotten away with it — a sentiment one could deliver fairly well without the racist Chinese shit.

“A lesson some of us, not boastful about it, learn good.”


via:The Telegraph

, Matthew Norman, , The Telegraph

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