We have lady premiers so sexism must be over, right?

Kathleen Wynne

Kathleen Wynne’s swearing in as premier of Ontario was an important milestone for the country. Wynne’s premiership makes her the sixth female to presently hold office as the head of one of Canada’s 10 provincial and 3 territorial governments and, including the prime minister, leaves the country’s first ministers one short of gender parity at six out of 14.

Wow! Look how far we’ve come as a country. Almost half our leaders are ladies! Cue the marching band and drop that “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” banner. We’ve done it! Congrats women’s rights activists, the fight is over! What could be more indicative of a win for the movement than having almost half the country’s provincial leaders come from your team?

We should focus on the good and not talk about how the average number of women holding office in any of the provincial governments is 30 per cent, with Quebec leading the pack at a staggering 33 per cent. I’m sure Dale Carnegie, or someone who found success by talking about success, said something about the power of staying positive, so let’s not dwell on silly things like numbers and facts. Lets pretend that everything is good.

Yup, everything is just fine. Which is why in the regular — non female related — order of daily business one of the first questions asked after Wynne was sworn in was about if she intends to “mix up” her fashion and wear something other than pantsuits. I’m sure these fashion related questions were former premier Dalton McGuinty’s favourite part of the day.

Life would still be pretty good if the worst thing said to any of these premiers was from a producer for a shitty radio morning show looking for a sound clip to fill air between fart noises and the latest version of the same Nickelback song.

As communications consultant Diamond Isinger has pointed out in her blog, that just isn’t the case. Isinger’s blog, titled “Madam Premier,” is a collection of some of the worst pieces of sexism and hate that morons with access to a computer think up and publicly send to the leaders — with some clever curation and comment from Isinger.

Below are a few examples of what you can find on “Madam Premier.” Please note the following contains language some might find offensive from complete and utter morons.

Here Mr. Curt Lomax eloquently outlines his dissatisfaction with Alberta premier Alison Redford’s latest policy.

Mr. Jindal outlines, with language I’m sure his Lord and Saviour would approve of, his concern about Quebec premier Pauline Marois and a PQ candidate’s supposed plan to remove the crucifix from National Assembly building.

And here someone, who must be a mental health expert, takes advantage of a popular hashtag related to mental health awareness to prove he is an absolute fucking idiot.


If you’re not yet satisfied that sexism is still rampant, check out “Said to lady journos” a tumblr devoted to dumb sexist bullshit women journalists still have to put up with on a daily basis. Or, have a read about how Sara Ganim, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who broke the the Penn State/Jerry Sandusky scandal, and how well she has been treated by upset football fans for simply doing her job very effectively.

So maybe we will put the celebratory banner away for now. We can’t forget how far we’ve come and maybe there are some significant cracks in the glass ceiling, but for fuck’s sakes let’s stop pretending we are anywhere close to the end of sexism.

The Globe and Mail Ontario Chamber of Commerce