“I asked a six year old what my movie should be about, and this is what he told me.”
That’s the very simple premise behind “The Scared is Scared,” a short film by Bianca Giaever who essentially created exactly the story told to her by six-year-old Asa Baker-Rouse. It came out a few weeks ago and quickly went viral, but if you’re only hearing about it now it is well worth the seven minutes it takes to watch.
“I interviewed a couple of other kids before I came to Asa,” Giaever said in an interview with Middbeat. “I knew that I wanted to give a kid a chance to tell a story that would be made into a video and I wanted some advice on my anxieties around graduation. I’m definitely not the luckiest person in the world who comes upon the perfect kid who says the perfect tape.”
Young Asa improvised a story about a bear and a mouse who go to the swimming pool, which is then acted out and animated into a rather moving message about getting over one’s fears. Basically, “when the scared feeling comes into you, the scared is scared of things you like.” So think of pizza, and juice, and a piano-shaped chocolate chip cookie and you’ll feel all better.
Wise kid.
via:h/t Good video: Bianca Giaever/Vimeo
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