BC man ‘totally stoked’ to be alive after getting hit by lightning, gives amazing interview

divine punishment

A Prince George, B.C., man was just minding his own business last Wednesday when he was hit by lightning at a baseball field. His name is Nels Hansen, and what follows is a series of amazing quotes he gave CBC reporters about the incident.

The realization:

“I had this umbrella right here … next thing I know, my whole hand lights up right here, and I’m like, ‘Whoa! I’ve been hit by lightning.’”

The sound:

“And it’s like, you know, you throw some water on a really hot frying pan. It was like zzzp — like that.”

His grip on the umbrella:

“My left arm was just like freaking tight on there, man.”


“I realized I’m okay. And I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, I got hit by lightning!’ I was totally stoked.”

After the doctor’s visit:

“I’m freaking lucky, oh my God. People die from this stuff.”

The lesson:

“It’s little things like that you never know — five minutes makes a difference, man. So life throws you all this stuff — you just gotta ride it, man. I love it. I love it.”

The opportunity:

“I actually bought the lottery ticket, actually times two, within 20 minutes. It was my first stop.”

God bless you, Nels Hansen. Here’s hoping you win that lottery, times two.

[CBC News][image: Sergey Galushko/PhotoXpress]

being stoked, lightning, luck, multiplication, Prince George (British Columbia), totally stoked