Author Archive | Nathan Raine

Cannes Film Festival 2012: Here are 10 reasons why you should have gone

The world’s greatest film festival kicks off tomorrow. Are we going? Shit no. But if you’re lucky enough to attend and are completely oblivious to what’s playing, we’re got you covered. For the rest of the world, here are 10 great films we’re missing out on.

Dolphins can’t handle their heroin

There’s always a couple bad dolphins who roll into the party, clearly junkies, who take way too much heroin, and end spoiling the night for everyone by dying. We see it far too often.

10 summer movies that probably won’t suck

Summer blockbusters spend hundreds of millions on marketing, enticing us all to see the movies the second they come out. Then we do and realize what a waste of time they were.

Here are the 10 movies coming out this summer that won’t suck.