Tag Archives | journalism

Nunavut’s high school graduation rate is abysmal

Most of Canada is positioned pretty well in the OECD’s ranking of high school graduation rates: the national rate of high school graduation in 2011 was 89 per cent for Canadians aged 25 to 64, and all the provinces and territories except one ranged between 79 per cent and 92 per cent. According to the OECD, the average for a country was 75 per cent.

Kevin O'Leary embarrasses himself on CNBC

Jesse Myerson is a young left-wing journalist who recently wrote an article for Rolling Stone that advocates some solutions to America’s ongoing economic malaise. These solutions range from a guaranteed income to a land-value tax. They are reforms that assume the economy should serve the people (all of them), and not the other way around.

Rob Ford may have connection to gun-running, drug-trafficking gang

Information on the mayor's possible criminal associations should be revealed without compromising defendants' rights

As every Canadian with an internet connection knows by now, Toronto mayor Rob Ford has had an eventful summer. Since mid-May Ford has been dealing with accusations that he has smoked crack and that his brother, city councillor Doug, was a teenaged drug kingpin in Etobicoke, among other things.

Finally, a man will save women(‘s publications)

In the last few months there’s been some debate over why women’s publications don’t produce “serious journalism” like their male counterparts, and whether it’s even possible. Esquire and GQ have important news stories alongside their “how to wear a glen plaid suit” photoshoots, whereas Vogue and Cosmo have … more photoshoots. And sex tips, never forget the bizarre sex tips.

Toronto Star columnist loves heroin, thinks pot legalization is stupid

It’s long been known that youth are wont to dabble in misbehaviour and mind-altering substances. Sometimes young adults move on, keeping hilarious - or scary — stories from their Crazy Daze as Drug People. Other times youthful indiscretions set someone up for a lifetime of substance abuse issues; it’s a bit of a gamble, but one that many young people take without a second thought.